
Regression is still a mystery to so many people, but we’re at a point where the industrial health care systems clearly aren’t churning out healthy results. Consequently, our ideas of what health is are expanding.

I like to explain regressions like this:

A relaxed mind is the healthiest mind. Our best thinking is done by relaxing into it, rather than forcing concentration. Regression is like an accompanied meditation, where a client regresses into a deep rest, nearly falling asleep, but paying attention to only my voice. Once we reach a depth of rest, we explore where the mind goes with a predetermined intention.

Now, in that rest, there is direct access to the Higher Self (something innate in all people). A big part of a regression’s magic is in considering, if you are going to have a conversation with the Higher Self, what do you ask?? In regression, we ask those questions (written out in advance) and record the answers given in reply. Afterward, the client is given a recording of their own voice giving answers to their most important questions.


My session with Josh gave me a gift of healing that would not have been possible through my rational mind. Through regressive hypnosis, I was able to drop below my habitual thought patterns and receive an unexpected message from an unlikely source. I did not anticipate how the session would unfold in such a profound way, and the whole experience brought me to a place of deeper peace and liberation. Josh provided a safe container for this to occur, and I look forward to future sessions with him and his wise guidance."
– Denise M.

I had such a wonderful experience with Josh and in the hypnotic regression we did to speak to my higher self. Josh's calm presence helped me to feel so relaxed, safe, and open. His gentle guidance helped me to drop into a meditative state easily, and the session brought me so much insight about myself, it was a wonderful journey of self-discovery. I really appreciate how he has followed up with me as I continue with the integration process. I feel that this experience has opened me up and given me a greater capacity to connect with my spiritual team and inner wisdom. It was a truly transformative experience that I will forever be grateful for.”
– Kate B.

Why “regress”?

The response to this work is tremendous and inspiring. Watching individuals weep with relief and laugh with joy for the transformation taking place in their lives starting from the inside-out is endlessly exciting and rewarding to be part of.

How to know if a regression is right for you:

  • Curiosity about life’s purpose or the meaning of circumstances and experiences

  • You’re feeling like there’s more for you than what is currently being reflected by society

  • You’re feeling weighed down by unclear thinking or feeling

  • Sensing a desire for spiritual connection, without religious constrictions

Only one regression is enough to alter a life’s trajectory and there’s never a requirement for more, but only so much can be addressed in one 90min session. There’s much more to explore! With a Regression Series, we incorporate Integration Support with focused regressions over the course of 1 or 2 months. Here are some of the series’ I recommend for exploration:

  • Visiting past-lives

  • Delving through each of the seven chakras

  • Connecting with spirit guides, teachers, and companions

I have sat with all kinds of people (including skeptics and believers) in various settings and watched life-transforming events unfold in each of their lives, not because I am such a great hypnotist or regressionist, but because there truly is a loving and benevolent Higher Self operating in our best interest behind the scenes, looking for ways to connect, be heard, be noticed, and be made manifest. This is not a new religion, but simply just new verbiage for the same old eternal truths.

For more information, please send your questions over to

What does a session look like?

The first step is to connect. Ask any questions you’d like! Tell me a bit of your story and why you’re interested in a regression.

Once I’ve heard from you, you’ll receive a reply with some questions and a link to schedule a virtual session at your convenience. In-person sessions are also available, if preferred.

Before our meeting, a list of prioritized questions you’d like to ask the Higher Self should be written out. This can be a very meaningful part of the process.

During the session we will take our time, talking about your prepared questions, discussing any related thoughts or concerns, and summarizing an intention. It’s encouraged to use comfortable headphones for virtual appointments and find a place where you can lie down on your back comfortably while still being in the camera frame.

Calming words, some mindfulness practice, and visualization exercises are then spoken to help bring the mind and body to a quiet place. Once there, we follow where your journey guides us until we ultimately ask your prepared questions and record their answers for you to reference at a later date and time.